High Sensitivity Thermal Laser Sensors – 300fW to 12W
RM9 with Chopper
The RM9 radiometer system is a sensor and optical beam chopper combination for measuring the power of very low level CW or quasi CW light sources.
RM9-THz with Chopper
The RM9-THz radiometer system is a sensor and optical beam chopper combination for measuring the power of very low level CW or quasi CW light sources.
RM9-PD with Chopper
The RM9-PD radiometer system is a sensor and optical chopper system for measuring the power of very low level CW or quasi CW sources.
RM9 Pyro Radiometer with Lock-In
The RM9 uses a pyroelectric sensor and lock-in amplifier with an 18Hz chopper (not included, use RMC1 or other chopper) to measure a wide range of radiation, from <100nW to 100mW
RM9-THz Pyro Radiometer
The RM9-THz radiometer is a sensor for measuring the power of very low level CW or quasi CW lasers and light sources.
RM9-PD Femtowatt Measurement
The RM9-PD radiometer is a calibrated sensor for measuring the power of femtowatt CW or quasi CW lasers and light sources.
2A-BB-9 is a very sensitive laser power/energy sensor with very low noise and drift.
3A is a very sensitive thermopile based laser power/energy sensor with very low noise and drift.
The 3A-P is a very sensitive thermal power/energy laser measurement sensor for short pulsed lasers.
The 3A-PF-12 is a very sensitive thermal power/energy laser measurement sensor for short pulsed lasers.
The 3A-P-THz is a very sensitive thermal power/energy laser measurement sensor with calibration for terahertz wavelengths.
The 3A-FS is our lowest noise thermal power/energy laser measurement sensor and has a fused silica window.
The 3A-P-FS-12 is a very sensitive thermal power/energy laser measurement sensor for divergent beams and has a fused silica window.
The 12A is a sensitive thermal power/energy laser measurement sensor with low noise and drift.
The 12A-P is a sensitive thermal power/energy laser measurement sensor for short pulsed lasers with low noise and drift.